Enviropeel’s proprietary blend of corrosion-inhibiting sprayable thermoplastic keeps out dust and moisture and can be applied in a wide range of settings to prevent the effects of corrosion. Effective on all types of corrosion, Enviropeel is specially formulated to prevent galvanic corrosion, creating a moisture-free encapsulation with slow-release corrosion-inhibiting oils that arrest corrosion at the source. After application, Enviropeel E170 cools and contracts around the substrate, creating a perfect seal.
Corrosion costs businesses billions of dollars every year. Enviropeel is committed to helping companies do more of what they set out to do
Testing proves Enviropeel's incredible ability to prevent corrosion:
Following more than 10,000 hours of aggressive hot salt fog testing (the equivalent of 100 years in a salt water environment), steel substrates showed zero corrosion, with nuts turning as freely as they did before the test started.​
Enviropeel has undergone rigorous testing of its performance in high-UV environments. After 9,000 hours of cyclical UV-testing, the coating was completely unaffected with no deterioration in coating integrity.
Can be applied over existing corrosion
No need for blasting or extensive preparation, Enviropeel stops existing corrosion and prevents any further deterioration. Rusting offshore wellheads coated in Enviropeel for Shell were inspected after 6 years and were in such good condition that Enviropeel has been certified by Shell for use on corroded substrates.
Enviropeel’s unique properties and application process protects bearings from premature failure due to corrosion caused by ingress of moisture and contamination. As a leader in corrosion prevention technology, Enviropeel is proud to serve clients in multiple and diverse industries across the globe.
View Enviropeel applications and tutorials on our YouTube channel
Application Categories:
Flanges and Valves
Flanges and valves are complex assemblies with a far greater risk of corrosion than the pipes to which they are attached. Any structure constructed with multiple components and secured with bolts has corrosion accelerating properties built in: connecting surfaces and voids promote crevice corrosion, differing metals bring galvanic corrosion and coating damage during assembly allows corrosion into the system from the start. In a marine environment, salt water, constant moisture and unstable conditions can lead to bolts corroding in weeks and flanges failing within two years of construction. Offshore or onshore, any structure in such an environment will start to corrode at the flanges and bolts or in the crevices formed by construction, leading to compromises in safety that can only be addressed with constant maintenance or replacement.
Stored Parts
Without adequate protection, stored or mothballed equipment deteriorates faster than when it is in use. Moisture enters the system and is retained through inactivity, moving parts corrode into immobility, seals dry out and machined surfaces become pitted and scarred. Before using Enviropeel, engineering companies repairing parts and equipment were seeing up to 45% of their repaired and stored machinery requiring rework through deterioration in storage, especially large components stored in the open air, despite protection with tape wrap and other systems. Following the introduction of Enviropeel, no matter where the machinery was stored, rework requirements were reduced to zero. Machined surfaces stayed good as new, rotating equipment functioned perfectly with nuts and bolts remaining fully serviceable and rust free.